completed 20 years – top executive search firms

Celebrating 20 years in business – quotes from clients, candidates, former employees, service providers and friends of the business, celebrating with us…

This is truly an inspirational record of growth through commitment and hard work. Wishing you and pinpoint one an awesome 20 years celebration!!
– Fabian Fayers

Highly professional and inspirational. It really made me feel I want to be part of this journey.
– Maria Solé-Lordes

Your story is simply fantastic and very inspiring! I can vouch for the Professionalism, Thoroughness and Passion that I have experienced in abundance – while working with you and your team. ‘You can quote me on that!’ Best of Luck for an even better and grander future.
– Bidesh K.A.

You truly have stood the test of time. Congratulations on your 20th anniversary, embracing change, rising to the challenges and creating sincere business partnerships. All the very best as you continue your exciting journey, navigating your way in the landscape that lies ahead.
– Hilton Lawler

What a remarkable story and journey you have travelled, thanks for sharing with us. Wishing you a wonderful 20th celebration and wishing you every success for the next 20 years ahead. Sending kindest regards from all of us here.
– Julie Hillary

I believe you definitely deserve our support.
– Marjolaine Pierrat-Feraille

Having seen their success formula in action, long may it continue.”
– John Robertson

Wow! What an inspiring story! Congratulations, you’ve really made pinpoint one to be a very renowned brand. I was personally placed by pinpoint one, so I know how professional you are.
– S’tha Mabaso

“I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people not on strategies.” By Lawrence Bossidy from
– Ephraim Mathiba

Congratulations and wishing you many more blessings and prosperity. pinpoint one is really changing lives.
– Phillip Mosiane

Thank you for sharing pinpoint one human resources story of success; a true inspiration; a pride of the new South Africa. I am proud to have been associated with this success. I wish you more success for the next 20 years and beyond. Congratulations.
– Fusi Motaung

I loved reading about pinpoint one’s history and success, truly heartfelt and inspirational.
– Wade Cooper

What a well written piece to muse over – I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and, from one 20something year old company to another.
– Craig Raath

It is a privilege to partner with you and to experience the professionalism of everyone in the company.
– Johan Raubenheimer

This is truly an inspirational record of growth through commitment and hard work.
– Vusi Ndlovu

Congratulations on an amazing journey which has had both its high and low points, but you certainly have made your mark in a significant way. It has been a joy and honour to have been able to contribute and I am always willing to do more.
– Eugenie Drakes

Visie, deursettingsvermoë, integriteit en baie harde werk het van pinpoint one ‘n reuse sukses gemaak en ‘n krag om mee rekening te hou in julle industrie. Vandag pluk julle pragtige ryp vrugte van al die takke van hierdie boom wat julle geplant het. ‘n Boom wat lewe gee aan vele.
– Jolene Nell

WOW – what a fabulous story of a business that has made a difference! – you are incredible, and I salute you all for your achievements!
– JMary-Anne Calvert

pinpoint one human resources is one of the top executive search firms in South Africa and Africa.

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